Pranay Sanklecha

Pranay Sanklecha
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Brand Identity

I awoke last night from a deep dream of peace, and saw, within the moonlight in my room, making it rich, and like a lily in bloom, an angel writing in a book of gold. Bit odd, I thought, but that’s Germany for you. Hello, Angel, I said. Wotcha

Pranay Sanklecha
Members Public

On Bob Dylan

“What music do you like?” “Bob Dylan,” I said. “That’s not a type of music,” she said gently. “That’s a musician.” I first encountered Dylan in the early winter of 1997. I had just gone to England to study. It was half-term and I was staying with my

Pranay Sanklecha
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On Change

Du musst dein Leben ändern, writes Rilke. You must change your life. Well, yes, Rainer. Of course. But how?

Pranay Sanklecha
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On Creativity

The mountain spring has dried up.

Pranay Sanklecha
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Peak Experience

What do we expect peak experience to feel like?

Pranay Sanklecha
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Meaningful Work

Simple needs, human needs - genuine human needs. But what is this word genuine and what does it have to do with need?

Pranay Sanklecha
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Struggle, gifts, trains and delight

Pranay Sanklecha
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Love, and do as you please

These words have been present in me today. Over and over again they arise, a gentle repetitive rhythm … love, and do as you please.

Pranay Sanklecha
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How Much Land Does a Man Need?

“Our only trouble,” thought Pahóm, “is that we haven’t land enough. If I had plenty of land, I shouldn’t fear the Devil himself.”

Pranay Sanklecha
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How can we know the Good?

Like many of us, I want to be good and wise and happy. But would we recognise those things if we were given them?

Pranay Sanklecha
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The holidays are done

I have had two weeks off, and the world has seemed to join me in taking a break. Empty streets and shuttered shops, fathers playing with their children in the woods, houses glowing lightly against the falling darkness. Freedom from the usual round of obligations, from the rhythms of the

Pranay Sanklecha
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Someone I love is suffering

Someone I love is suffering, wrote a friend. What can philosophy tell me about my responsibilities to help them?